Hi there. I’m a Berlin-based full-stack web developer.
Professional web developer with ten years of experience and a particular afinity for geographic information systems (GIS). I was responsible for building the interactive map modules of the citizen-participation software Dialogzentrale. If your company is in need of an enthusiastic GIS & Web developer, consider hiring me.
Latest post
Publié le 05/02/2018
Using ZSH?
Create a .zprofile with this: export PATH=$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH
Getting CodeSniffer and Drupal Coder
Install code sniffer v2.7 globally with composer (see this issue): composer global require squizlabs/php_codesniffer
Install drupal/coder globally with composer: composer global require drupal/coder
Register the Drupal and DrupalPractice Standard with PHPCS: phpcs --conf...